This weekend we got to watch General Conference with our ward! We watched in Japanese and I was able to pick up on a lot of words, but totally missed the overall message. I will be "reviewing" and watching in English throughout the week! Yay I love Conference!
This week was not very eventful, I am sorry. I will try and think of the exciting things.

The weather is getting so nice! We did a lot of our studies outside in the fresh air. Luckily I am not suffocating by the humidity anymore! Riding bikes around used to be the worst thing ever, but I really enjoy it now. I am just a little nervous for when it gets cold. I think I actually might die.
I know there were other fun things that happened this week, but I really cannot remember right now! Oops!
A couple things I missed from last week:

- in just about every apartment/house I have been to there is a little square in the top right corner of the bathroom door. It is like a piece of plastic that you cannot see through, but you can see light through. This makes it easy to tell if the light is on indicating someone is using the bathroom! I hope that made sense. I will attach a photo!
- 1$ equals roughly 150¥! I carry around bills that say 1000 and coins that say 100. Wild
- the water cups they give you at restaurants are TINY. I am talking like Dixie cup sizes!
- 面倒くさい- Mendokusai (pronounced men-dock-sigh) means "too much work" I love this word!

The current hot topic on my mind is how perfect God‘s timing is. I see it with the people I meet and looking back on my life, the way things have worked out. I had a lot of worries at the beginning of this transfer, but as it has played out, my testimony of the perfectness of God has immensely strengthened. My companion is one example. She is fearless and has such a huge desire to help everyone around her. If I was training a missionary that did not have this courage, I would be in the gutter for sure. I know God is perfect and so is His plan. Trust in Him even when it gets hard. I love you all! God loves you!
Make it a good week!!
<3 Sister Peterson
- I became a samurai in training!!!
- some firefighter asked if we wanted a picture in front of the firetrucks haha we were like okay!
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