Monday, June 3, 2024

Week 13: Motsumoto, Nagano; Companion/Trainer: Sister Takahashi

Hi everyone!!

At the beginning of this week we had exchanges!! So basically me and my companion had a 4 hour bus ride πŸ™ƒ to the sisters in Takabata. I spent a day with one of the sisters and my companion spent the day with the other, then we switched the next day! It was soooo much fun! The first day I was with Ferraz しまい and we went streeting and talked to so many people in the craziest of windy rain. Something crazy was when we were able to talk to the majority of people, the rain STOPPED. Then when we were done, it started again. Amazing. Anyways, I was really proud of myself because I approached a lot of people using the small Japanese I know. We had some goals and one of them was to hand out the Book of Mormon. We never got the chance, so we were walking back to the church at the end of the day. No one was on the street, then we saw this woman. We approached her and after talking for a bit we pulled out the Book of Mormon. Each of us testified of its truth and the entire time her eyes were locked on it. We gave it to her and we hope she reads it. That was just one of the many miracles we saw that day.

When I was with Yamada しまい our miracle was that so many random people gave us gas station snacks. I don't know how to better explain it. But it was amazing. 

We got to do Japanese Calligraphy! The 2 big characters I did say "Motsumoto" which is my area and the small ones say "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" very fun.

When I was on exchanges I was talking to Ferraz しまい about how we were able to see so many miracles. I am a very visual thinker so I came up with this. We have to poke the holes in the dirt so God can put the seeds in. Then we have to bury the seed and nurture it so it grows. Profound am I right? But seriously, God isn't going to be able to help us if we don't put in effort first. If Ferraz しまい and I had chosen to stay inside due to the rain, we wouldn't have experienced all His amazing miracles. If you want God to work in your life, you need to make room for Him. Put in the time to read your scriptures, pray, go to church, etc. I promise as you do those things, you will be able to experience God's miracles!

God loves you and wants to be in your life, so let Him πŸ˜Š I love you all and hope you have a miracle filled week!!

<3 Peterson しまい

Ps. I know it's kinda short and I didn't put any Japan Tips, but it's been a busy day sorryyyy, but ive got lots of pictures for ya!

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Week 28: Gokiso, Nagoya; Companion/Trainee: Sister

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