Hi everyone!!

I talked about a woman last week, the one who is getting baptized October 20th. Her name is Yagisan! Well, we have been having lessons with her everyday and she is doing good! She seems really excited every time she sees me on the video call! She says "ahhhh Peterson shimai?!?!". Haha. I feel super happy when we teach her!

Last night we went to a members house and had an AMAZING meal. You will see the picture below! It was funny, she kept saying it's good right? And taking pictures of us eating her food. It sounds weird, but it was cute and funny.

Last Monday we had a sports activity with a bunch of missionaries and friends. For some reason I was SO GOOD at basketball. We were playing a little 4 v 4 game WITH ELDERS and I was making hoops like no other. I think after the mission I will work on becoming a professional because I can't waste this hidden talent of mine!

We got to do exchanges in Meito this week!! It is the area where our mission office is, so it was very fun to hang around there a bit. That also means I got to see President and Sister McConkie! They are my mission president's and truly some of the best humans I have ever met.

Japan Tips!

- always assume people know more English than you think... you never know when you say something and people will understand...

- the bread here js really fluffy and has a slightly different taste than America! It is yummy
- it is like impossible to find anything in bulk here unless you go to Costco. Another reason Japanese people are probably so skinny
- 倧δΈε€«, daijyobu, (die-jyo-boo) means it's okay/alright. It is a very useful word!

hip hip hooray for Japan!

We also had zone conference which never fails to be amazing! One of my favorite parts was when a clip out of the Jesus TV show the Chosen was shared. It is a part after Jesus calls his apostles to serve missions. Little James (who has a walking problem) goes up to Jesus and asks why he was called. He feels less than everyone else who was called. "the others, they are so much more." Jesus tells him, "I love you, but I don't ever want to hear that again". This touched my heart because I can relate to Little James a lot especially right now. It is so so so easy to compare myself to others. There are more equipped people to train, to teach, to speak Japanese. "But those are not things the Father cares about". We are called to do hard things in life that we may not believe we can based off the apparent strengths we have. But we cannot see the potential that Heavenly Father sees in us. He gave this trial specifically for you, because He knows your heart can handle it. Because you have something to offer this specific situation needs!
I am trying my best right now to believe my own words, but I know deep down they are true!
I love you all and God loves you!
Make it a good week!!
<3 Sister Peterson
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