Monday, October 21, 2024

Week 33: Gokiso, Nagoya; Companion/Trainee: Sister Dalby

Happy New week!

🤒I absolutely died on Tuesday. I randomly got really sick and basically slept all day, but on Wednesday we had a lesson in the morning so by God's grace I was okay enough by then. My voice is still a little dead, but I don't have "the fevers" anymore!

😒Also I keep getting in trouble because I keep saying "like" when I am speaking Japanese. It's really bad. 2 different elders have already told me I should not do that. ITS A HARD HABIT TO BREAK! 

Our friend Yagisan was baptized and it was amazing! Everything went super smoothly and she seemed very happy. My and my companion sang in the program while Elder Spillet played the violin and it is another miracle my voice did not crack during the song. Because remember, she is still recovering!

🏰Last Pday we went to the Nagoya Castle and it was so cool! Unfortunatly we can't go in the big castle due to construction things, but there was this other building we went in with all the history and stuff in it. It was super cool! The artwork was beautiful!

🎃Japan does not celebrate Halloween like we do in America, but everyone knows what it is and some people still decorate for it! Our ward threw a halloween party for the kids and it was so fun! We taught them how to say "trick or treat" and the way they all pronounce it is "tooricko treato" haha so cute!

❤Japan Tips!!❤
- For some reason, Shawn the Sheep and Lotso are kind of popular. You know, Lotso the bear from Toy Story.
- I was asked again what my blood type was, people love to know that information for some reason. They think it has to do with personalities.
- In front of a lot of restaurants or to show what food looks like, they have really real looking representations. It took me a long time to realize that it was fake food.
❤Thats all!❤

🐻I recently have been loving the word Brave. I feel like it is such a powerful word. I think if we want to get anywhere in life we need to be brave. Take those first steps and be brave enough to keep going even if you cannot see the end goal. To be brave enough to choose to trust in something we cannot fully understand. Brave enough to say the words that seem scary to say.  As a missionary it is almost required to be brave very day. It is hard, but so important. 
I love you all!
God loves you!
Make it a good week!

<3 Sister Peterson

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Week 35: Gokiso, Nagoya; Companion/Trainee: Sister Dalby

I hope everyone had a great Halloween!! We had a Halloween party for our Eikaiwa class and it was so much fun!!! We did the classic toilet p...