Monday, September 9, 2024

Week 27: Gokiso, Nagoya; Companion: Sister Tulod

Hi everyone!

😠I currently have like a trillion mosquito bites on my legs and arms and it is like the worst feeling ever. I look like I have a disease, but it's okay... the work must go on!!

😰On Monday we had Zone Pday! We combined with another zone and rented out a gym for volleyball and basketball! There were about 40 missionaries and NO AC. That was miserable, but we didn't care because we were all having so much fun!

🐧We had exchanges for 2 days with Rodriguez 槉ćŠč and Fujikawa 槉ćŠč! The first day it was me and Rodriguez 槉ćŠč and let me just say, she is a transfer behind me, and knows just about equal to less than Japanese as me. It was a little rough, but we were able to do more than I thought we could!

🔍The second day of exchanges was also Book of Mormon finding day!!! You guys, I think this was one of my most favorite days on the mission. There are too many miracles to share, but me and Fujikawa 槉ćŠč went finding literally all day. It was exhausting, but so fun. We went with the elders who had the crazy idea of "stealing" the Church's whiteboard and writing "what is the purpose of life" on it. We walked around a park for hours and had people write their answers on the board. We gave away like 30+ books combined using this method! Lots of miracles! Oh also the whole mission handed out 500 books!!! Amazingggg

🐄My district went to Yakiniku!! It is a very well known type of restaurant where your table has a grill type thing in the middle and you can order unlimited amount of meat. You are timed, and it is pretty expensive, but wow I was so full by the end. Like seriously I ate so much meat i was sweating. AND I HAD GOOSEBUMBS WHEN I FIRST WALKED IN THE RESTAURANT. I think it is a must try experience in Japan, but for the price... I am satisfied with doing it only once. 

🍣I also did the most cliche thing to do in Japan and that is have a sushi making party!!!! It was actually very fun! Everyone was saying my sushis looked so good. I decided I am okay with sushi, but I would never go out of my way to eat it. If it is in front of me, I will eat, but I will not choose it over other things. 

❤️Japan Tips❤️
- Out of all American singers, everyone knows and asks about Shawn Mendez, it's really random to me.
- yes, everyone watches anime 
- I have never really seen a man in just classic Levi type jeans. This could just be me not paying attention though
❤️yay Japan❤️

Mosiah 4:27
"And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order."

This scripture has been on my mind a lot recently. It is important to not get ahead of yourself or to over work yourself. It says we should still be diligent, but not enough where it gets to be too much. Everything has an order in which it should be done, so we should not try to jump 3 steps ahead and skip the important 3 steps. It never works. I have been repeatedly reminding myself of these things ESPECIALLY when it comes to my Japanese! 
Everyone... God loves you!! You are His. 
I love you toooooo

<3 Sister Peterson

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Week 28: Gokiso, Nagoya; Companion/Trainee: Sister

I have been blessed! If anyone was wondering this has been an emotion filled week.... you are correct. Holy cow. On Tuesday I received the c...