Sunday, February 25, 2024

Missionary Farewell

Mom, Bodi, Avynlea, Kenedy, Ty and Yardley

Good afternoon everybody! I am really excited to be up here and I'm so happy you all could make it. Starting next week, I will be preparing to serve in the Nagoya Japan Mission. When I first opened my call I was immediately filled with excitement obviously, but I also became really nervous and a bit overwhelmed. It wasn’t necessarily because the way my roommates reacted when I read it out loud.. By screaming and violently shaking me, but it was the first time that I really processed what I signed up for. That I will be serving my Heavenly Father in a different country, speaking a totally different language.  

Soon after, I came across one of my favorite scriptures, Ether 12:27. 27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.  Okay, I thought, I need to humble myself and allow the Lord to help me. I shifted my view of the situation and aimed it towards God’s path. I reconnected with the Iron rod. Which sounds dramatic. But in a sense that is what I was doing.  From then whenever someone brought up how difficult the mission and especially language was going to be I said, if the Lord wants it to be done, he will help me.  

As I have started studying my Japanese I have noticed the difficulty, especially because when I looked at it, it looked like my ramen noodles spilt all over the page. But since I put my faith and trust in the Lord right off the bat, I have been learning the language with less stress. Not saying at all it has come easily or I have learned it right off the bat, but the overwhelming anxiety that I had before has been lifted. As if Jesus Christ bore that struggle for me right as I asked God for help. 

I know there will be times in the MTC and while I am in Japan that I will struggle a lot with the language and many other things, but to have experienced his grace so soon I also know that through Him I can do it.  

God gives us these weaknesses and struggles so, like me with my experience, we can turn to Him for help. In the start of the scripture I read it says “If men come unto me”. He is pleading with us to allow Him to help us and put our faith in Him. It is so easy to turn the other way when we are experiencing something difficult. We have all done it. To get caught up in the lies of “I cant do it or why me, but these vulnerable moments are the most important times to turn to your God and ask for His help.  

Jesus Christ even did it when he was suffering for each of us. Matthew 26:39 says 39 And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. The most perfect man to ever walk this earth is having a small moment of doubt and is turning to his Heavenly Father asking for help.  

Chapter 6 of Preach my Gospel lists several Christlike attributes. One of those is Humility, as we have clearly seen Christ portray. It defines it as The willingness to submit to the will of the Lord. To accept His plan for us and rely on Him to help us achieve it. It includes the acknowledgment of your constant need for His help”. Constant need. We all know that no one on this Earth is perfect and that is for a reason. Our entire purpose here is to be tested and when we go through moral struggles to turn around and ask God for help. To take the bitter cup from our hands and guide us through. It is also to bring those unaware of this salvation to come to know of it and teach them what we already have been blessed to know. 

As I have been preparing to leave and thinking about the things I need to do I have been getting excited about this very thing. That my calling is to work on consistently gathering Israel everyday of my life for 18-months straight. These are going to be some of the most important times to show Christ’s example and be humble. I will be entering people’s homes, interrupting their day to share the most important thing to me, but all through God’s help. As I am humble I will be able to connect and empathize with the people I teach. I will gain an understanding of how I can teach them and help them.  

D&C 8 verse 2 shows me how I can be the most prepared for this. It says 2 Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.  

This scripture can apply to everyone if we are doing what we need to be. By taking the time each day to learn more and grow towards our savior, he will help us in the way we need to be. He will tell us in our minds and in our hearts as long as we are actively listening for it.  

Right after this one, verse 3 also has amazing things. It says 3 Now, behold, this is the spirit of revelation; behold, this is the spirit by which Moses abrought the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground. 

I love this one because it connects us to a prophet of old time. We are just as important. The same God and the same spirit that worked miracles way back then is the same one who listens to our longing prayers. Through Him anything can be done and I know of this for a fact. When I am struggling, because I know I will go through many challenging things, I know that the Savior will provide me with ways to keep going. He will bless me and the people I come across. All this as long as I keep putting my faith in Him and keep going. 

There is a quote by Neal A Maxwell about Humility that really stands out to me. It says “Humility is not the [belittling] of our worth, rather it is the sober realization of how much we are valued by God. First off, there is absolutely nothing we can do in the eyes of our Heavenly Father that can shave off our worth even a little bit. The world might tell us otherwise, but I can promise you, the Lord will always see us as his loved children, no matter the choices we make. That does not mean we can just go around doing whatever we please, but if we make a mistake and ask for forgiveness, he will be right there ready to give it to us.  

I think humility can be seen a little bit as an overwhelming and hard thing to do, maybe a little embarrassing at some points, but through Christ we can do anything. Even humble ourselves to Him. We need to do this so, like Maxwell said, we can realize how much our God values us. Because it is way more than we can imagine. 

In this past general conference Elder Daines gave a talk titled Sir, We Would Like to See Jesus. In it he shares an experience where he was called to do something for the church he was not looking forward to. He was humbled when these words came to His mind: “to serve in this Church is to stand in the river of God’s love for His children”. I’m going to change it up a little bit by adding: to serve in this church [and to serve our Lord] is to stand in the river of God’s love for His children. What a beautiful picture this quote lays out for us to imagine. As we are serve our Lord, our eyes will be opened to the outpour of love he has for us and everyone else in this world. And in my case, especially for the people in Japan. 

I always thought it was cheesy when people would say how much they already love the people they will be serving but I can see it now. Not in the way I thought, but more of a hope for them, that I will provide them with the spirit that is necessary for their lives. I am feeling all the emotions that come with leaving my home for 18 months, but I know that I will be protected.  

In 2 Nephi of the Book of Mormon, there is a story where Lehi and his family are commanded to leave their homes and spread out in the wilderness. I’m sure they felt the same feelings that I have been these past couple weeks. But in chapter 1 verse 9 Lehi shares a powerful message from the Lord to His family. He says “Wherefore, I, Lehi, have obtained a promise, that inasmuch as those whom the Lord God shall bring out of the land of Jerusalem shall keep his commandments, they shall prosper upon the face of this land; and they shall be kept from all other nations, that they may possess this land unto themselves. And if it so be that they shall keep his commandments they shall be blessed upon the face of this land, and there shall be none to molest them, nor to take away the land of their inheritance; and they shall dwell safely forever. I have found this scripture to be very comforting and promising. I know that I will be doing the Lord’s work on the other side of the globe. And as long as I humble myself towards Him and do all the things that prepare me to hear His spirit, I will be protected. Im sure this also comforts my mom a lot too. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity. I am looking forward to all the experiences I have that will change my life forever.  

I am, in a sense, looking forward to the times where I am at a low and I can feel the savior lifting me up. I have learned so much about humility and how important it is to our Heavenly Father. I will day to day work on my relationship with Him and prepare to teach the people he wants me to. I hope I will be blessing the people I come across, but I think they will be blessing me even more.  

I am so grateful for this gospel and for my loving Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. I know Jesus Christ suffered every single one of our pains just so we can live this life with hope and grace. He loves me and he loves you. I know this is true. So much that I want to travel across the world for 18 months just to hopefully bring others to the knowledge and love I have found my Heavenly Father has provided.  

I am also grateful for all the people who have gotten me to this point. Each one of you has blessed me in some way that you might not even realize. I love you all so so much and thank you for supporting me and being here. 

 In the name...  
Anna, Madison, Avynlea and Sadie

top pic: Ryan, Hannah, Avynlea, Natalie, Paige, Katie and Parker
bottom Pic: Tara, Elizabeth, Diana and Amy
left picture: Sadie, Madison, Avynlea, Ally and Bodi
right picture: Ally, Rylee, Dylan and Bodi
left picture: Kenedy, Ty, Yardley and Bob
right picture: Dustin, Jamie, James, Kylie, Abby, Andrew, Steve and Luke
left picture: Kelsey, Michelle, Brit, Yara, Brielle, Trevor and Qiana
right picture: Emily, Mikell and Sara
left Picture: Amelia, Jenna, Sadie and Kinsley
right picture: Xander, Jason, Caleb, Brooke, Asher and Hazel
Avynlea, Amelia and Abby

Ty, Avynlea and Kenedy 
Ty, Rylee, Avynlea and Kenedy

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