Monday, August 12, 2024

Week 23: Gokiso, Nagoya; Companion: Sister Tulod


Hi guys! 

🔥🚒If any of you did not know, Nagoya is like the 3rd largest city in Japan. Gokiso is our area name, but it is actually just a train station name here, and the ward`s name, so I am in Nagoya city. I feel like I am in the devil's armpit. Not only is it super hot, but it is unbelievably humid. I am so lucky to be from beautiful, sweet, DRY Idaho. Unfortunately this has made the work hard because we just want to be in air conditioning all day. But we do our best we can!

😊I forgot to mention last week that I was reunited with half my sistrict!! It was amazing. Reminded me of when Alma and the sons of Mosiah reunited and were all just super happy and excited. Fun fact my amazing MTC comp Sister Merrill is now companions with my trainer Sister Takahashi!!! Haha they are both very very lucky.

🍓Last week I was able to meet an amazing person here named Byran! He is from New Zealand (speaks English with an AMAZING accent)!! He is already on date for baptism, but I got to help teach a lesson to him and wow you guys. He is amazing. He takes everything so good and applies it to his own life so well. I wish everyone would be able to get the opportunity to meet him. He is a testament to me that the spirit works. This man didn't know it, but has been waiting for these truths his whole life. I am so excited for his baptism! 

😰 I know I have already talked about the humidity, but I want to address it again. I have literally never in my life sweated as much as I have this past week. There was a sweat line from where the strap of my bag was. Like across my body hahaha. Literally what. I am being humbled that's for sure. I just keep reminding myself I am here to serve the lord not find a husband. Because if that was the case... 

👠 Nothing too crazy has happened this week, so I am just going to speed run the little things. 
*We went to a member's house last night and had the BEST BBQ I think I have ever had in my life. (He is half Brazilian).
*I bore my testimony in church and was proud of the Japanese I spoke. It was simple, but I was able to get most my ideas out. I can see tinyyy improvement!
*I just choked and died on my water.
*Japanese people are usually very shy and typically do not talk to strangers. There was a girl about 5 feet from us and we said konnichiwa and she physically flinched. Like so hard. It was kinda funny. 
*There is a McDonalds in between our apartment and the church. Very dangerous considering how often we go back and forth from the apartment and the church.

❤I am sorry to those who mainly read my emails for the Japanese tips, but I do not have the mental capacity to think of any right now. Love you all!! ❤

🐰A little bit ago I was thinking about Role Models. I might have read a conference talk that sparked this thinking. I think in the talk it said we should admire qualities in other people, but our role model should always be Jesus Christ. He is the person we should strive to be. While I was thinking about this, another thought crossed my mind. Well who is the person we should strive to look like? I thought for a second then I was like HOLD UP. There is none. Absolutely 0. Because we were all purposefully created to look and be different. There are a lot of worldly standards for what we should look like, both male and female, but those are WORLDLY. 

1 John 2:15 says "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him".

Harsh, but it's true. If we are all caught up in world things, it is hard to make room for the true things. Especially because the worldly things are being worked on so hard by Satan. We should never be comparing ourselves to the world, but only to what standard Jesus Christ has set for us.

I love you all!
GOD LOVES YOU! EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU. Just please forget the world and focus on Him!
Make it a great week!!

<3 Sister Peterson

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