Monday, August 5, 2024

Week 22: Gokiso, Nagoya; Companion: Sister Tulod

Hello from Gokiso

⚠️Warning... long email⚠️

Everyone! The absolute unexpected happened!
I got transferred out of Matsumoto πŸ˜­πŸ˜­ I am now in Gokiso which is in the pit of Nagoya City. Literally the most complete opposite area. I am suuuperrrr sad to leave Matsumoto, but am excited for the different kind of work I will be doing here in the city. My companion is a Filipino named Sister Tulod! I already love her so much!!

🌠Monday night we were coming home from a members house. We were biking through the rice fields when Takahashi 姉妹 yelled to me asking if I wanted to lay down and look at the stars. Obvi I said yes. So we laid down in the road for a bit and just looked at the stars. It was a really peaceful moment. I am just so grateful for everything God created for us to enjoy. We did almost get hit by a car, and when I was scurrying to get out of the road I scraped my knee πŸ˜” I'd say it was worth it though!

🚳Wednesday was when the peace halted and the chaos begun. That was the day me and Takahashi 姉妹 found out we were BOTH getting transferred. Lots of mixed emotions. We started packing and ended up having to go to the store for somethings. Well, we were riding bikes to the store and my bike caught hold of something and basically slipped, so I went down with it. I scraped up my other knee pretty bad, but other than that I was fine. The wild thing was this man riding his bike literally watched the whole thing happen. And when he came up close to me, while I was literally sprawled out on the sidewalk, guess what he did. STARED AT ME AND KEPT CYCLING. Like jeez thanks for the help. Not even a "daijyobu?" "Are you okay?". Whatevs. I'm strong, I didnt need his help anyway.

🌷An amazing member took us to La Casta. It is a company that uses essential oils to make things. It had a beautiful garden and we go to make our own room sprays with essential oils. Mine smells AMAZING! It was such a fun time, a great way to spend one of my last days in Matsumoto!

🩡Saying bye to everyone was really sad and harder than I expected. I think as a missionary it is hard to measure how much your work really pays off. But the kind things that everyone said to me as we were saying goodbye were all worth it. It really reminded me how we can use other ways other than just speaking to make an impact on other people's lives. Just by being ourselves and taking advantage of our unique personalities can have a bigger impact on others than we know.

❤Japan Tips❤
- The shopping carts are like kinda small. I have not seen one as big as the USA's yet. This probably plays into why most Japanese are so skinny.
- So many foreigners! From what I have experienced, especially Filipinos! Which is nice because they know English!!
- Almost everywhere the sidewalks/walkways have a strip of like bumps for blind people. I will put in a picture. 
❤yeet yeet❤

πŸ’ͺ🚧 Random thoughts from me: Honestly, choosing to serve a mission was not really hard for me. I am the type of person who just sticks with 1 idea if I like the sound of it. That's how my choice was when I decided to serve. I can't think of a specific time where I made a final decision. It was kinda just me floating down a river of this idea and it just happened. I literally still feel like I am floating down that river haha, just floating through life. When I go through times where I just want to be home, I have had to think about and rely on my Why. Why I am on a mission. My why is because I was lucky enough to grow up with all the beautiful, hopeful, clarifying things of this gospel. I want everybody to be able to experience a joyful life like I have. Only through Jesus Christ and His gospel is how we can do that. I chose to serve a mission because I love God and I love His children. So much that I am willing to pause my life for 18 months just to serve them. What?! Crazy, I know. C-R-A-Z-Y. But it is because I know these things are true and will bless me AND others. Do you love God? Do you love His children? I hope you can answer yes to both those questions, because when you have those 2 things, your life can be much easier. This week I encourage everyone to recognize others serving you, and making an effort to serve others. You can do it!
I love you all!
God loves you!
Make it a good week!

<3 Sister Peterson

P.s. I was literally just outside for 30 seconds and got 3 mosquito bites within a 1 inch diameter. Like what? Imma freak out.

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Week 28: Gokiso, Nagoya; Companion/Trainee: Sister

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