Saturday, March 16, 2024

Weeks 1 and 2: Provo MTC; Companion: Sister Merrill

Konnichiwa everyone!!!

I made it to the MTC (Missionary Training Center) officially! Woohooooo. 
I came on Wednesday and my bestie big sister Kenedy dropped me off which was a very hard goodbye. But I was so excited to meet my district. And oh do I love them so much! Funny thing is there are 12 of us and only 2 elders. Poor elders dubbed us the "sistrict" which we all love. Its been so fun getting to know all of them and even though its only been 4 days (in person) we are all besties!

Little recap of home MTC: It was pretty hard only because I was half in missionary life half out. But it was also amazing getting to know my district before and the classes were pretty good. I cannot imagine doing it for longer than I did, but it was definitely a very good way to ease into the MTC. 

I know everyone is wondering how the Japanese learning is going and so far so good! I was lucky and able to do pretutoring before I came here, so the things we learn in class I have known for the most part already. I can say a simple prayer in Japanese for you, introduce myself, and say simple greetings. It has been fun to learn and I am so excited to learn more! We start full immersion next friday (the 22nd) which means all our lessons will be purely in Japanese. Gospel lessons included. I am very interested to see how that will go and to see how I will do. 

We studied Enos the other day in class and I have loved it so much. I'd encourage all of you to read Enos 1: 1-12 in the Book of Mormon! Enos was struggling with feeling guilty about something and he turned to the Lord and prayed his heart out to him. He immediatly felt comforted and relieved. My story does not do him enough justice so read the scriptures!!! 

I love Jesus Christ and I am so happy to be learning more about His work. I am also so soooo excited for when I am in Japan and able to fill the holes in people's lives. 

I also LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!! Hehe Please feel free to email me whenever because it makes my day when I hear from home. The only downside is I will not be able to respond until my Prep days which are on Saturdays. But I will try my best to respond when I can on those days:)

<3 Sister Peterson or Peterson Shimai in Japanese ;)

p.s. I really apologize if there are typos. Still getting used to this buggy samsung hehe I also do not have very many pictures because I forget to take them... but I will get better!

p.s.s. WISH RYLEE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY!! My baby sister is 17 

Pictures below!!!
-Read Enos!
-One of the girls in our district got cookies and shared them all with us!
-We were able to go to the temple today! So fun

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