Good day everyone!!
This week was like so long and exhausting, but it was alright.

Training is hard, but not as hard as I thought it was gonna be. Probably because my beanchan is so amazing. She is super understanding and laughs with me when I make a mistake. Like that one time when a lady talked to us for like 20 min and we had no idea what she was saying so we kept bearing (is that the right spelling?) our testimony of the Book of Mormon haha... ohhh that was pretty awkward. But it is hard having all the responsibility and being the one who is always relied on. It's okay, I take it day by day!

When I first got to this area, the member × missionary relationship was a little rough. Not very many people talked to us. But recently, it has been so good! Everyone is willing to help us and bare with us through our rough Japanese. The support and love has been soooo helpful.

We played apples to apples with our Eikaiwa class which was pretty fun. My favorite part was hearing them try to say hippopotamus. Hahahaha I was dying. The best part is they are all older people and so hearing them talk like 5 year old English is amazing. I have great respect for people who learn a language for fun. Because it is HARD WORK!

Last Pday we walked around Nagoya and it was so fun! The city is so big and there are so many things to see and do! Today we are going to the Nagoya Planetarium space museum thing. Yay!! I am super super thankful God put me here!

Japan Tips!!

- The Police cars are literally silent. They kinda just drive around with their lights on. It confuses me.
- all the traffic lights are horizontal, not vertical.
- it is pretty normal to have like a phone strap and you wear it like a bag. It's kinda smart if you ask me.
"Good evening" in Japanese is こんばんは!Konnbanwa!

Thats all for today!

Okay everyone I am sorry again, this email is short because you know, we went to the museum today.
Leave Love! This is something my amazing coworker taught me before my mission and my mission president's wife just recently talked about it. I love it because we should always try to leave a person feeling good about themselves and ourselves. Do whatever you can to leave a little love wherever you go!
God loves you all!
I love youuuuu
Make it a good week!!
<3 Sister Peterson
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