Happy Pday! woop! One of my favorite 7 days of the week!

I feel like these past couple weeks have been a blur. They are going by both very slow and a little fast. I am thankful for them though, don't get me wrong.

I think 2 weeks ago the elders found a woman for us to teach! Okay, I already have a hard time understanding Japanese, but this woman's Japanese is like impossible to understand. Luckily we have Elder Akiyama (Japanese) and Elder Spillett (half Japanese) to help us with lessons! This woman is super faithful and is progressing so fast. She is already on date for baptism!! October 20th! Please pray for her! It is so cool to hear from her how the knowledge of the gospel has already blessed her life so much!

Like I mentioned last week, for Pday we went to the Nagoya Space and Science museum! It was so fun! It was kinda like the Discovery Center in Meridian, but 10x bigger. Lots of fun! Unfortunatly the big planetarium presentation was in pure Japanese (I do not know space related Japanese) and the lights were dimmed just perfect for a nap. hehe, dont ask me what I learned during that.

I understand why people say they grow the most when they are training. I mean obviously my Japanese is SOOO FARRR from where I would like it to be, but you guys. This week I taught lessons, testified, taught people on the streets, etc. all in Japanese. "Sister Peterson, shouldn't you have been doing that your whole mission?" Well, yes, but this time, I am the more experienced companion out of the 2 of us. I have the responsibility. I am being relied on. I lead. This week has been cool because I have really been able to see my progress. I still have lots to work on, but I am proud of myself for this week!

Japan Tips

- People still look really scared when we say hi to them
- Every doorbell has an intercom. It makes getting denied at the door a lot easier when not face to face.
- It's true, Japan is very stylish. I am constantly impressed by people's day to day outfits!


We had a lesson this week and a member joined and she commented something really good! I will explain. She said has always been a people pleaser. Before she found the church, she sought people's love and approval. It was like a jar that would get filled up, but it had a whole at the bottom. She never felt satisfied with that love from others. Worldly love. Once she found Gods love the jar was filled and even overflowed. She said she now wants to share the love she knows from God with others.
I loved this comment so much because we can seek love from the world, but it wont last. The only love that will last is Gods.
1 John 4
16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
I love you all!
God Loves You!
Make it a good week!
<3 Sister Peterson