Monday, May 13, 2024

Week 10: Provo MTC; Companion: Sister Merrill


*Meant to send this last week but did not get the chance*

I made it!! After the longest day of traveling, I have made it to Japan. BUT this week was all mainly MTC so some updates on that...

I had to say bye to my most favorite teachers and half of the most amazing sistrict out there. (4 others are in Nagoya with me... well we are waiting for 1 to get her visa then she will be here) It was a rough because the goodbyes stretched over a span of like 3 days, but we made it through!

On monday our girls took on the challenge of clearing 1 collum of the cereal dispenser. 1 was so easy so then we ended up clearing 2 before the angsty cafeteria workers refilled them. I think I ate the most and I am hesitate to share how much I ate because I am not sure if I should be super proud of it or a little embarrassed. Oh well, I ate a total of about 4.5 bowls. (Picture below) The top of my mouth was literally scratched up and took about 3 days for it to fully recover. And I was on the verge of vomiting for the next hour, but I had to carry my team!!!! No regrets.

Another highlight of the week: We combined with the Thai and Vietnamese district and sang the EFY medley to the new missionaries. It was very fun and spiritual especially singing "Armies of Helaman" (picture below) as a missionary, very cool. 

Tuesday night we had a devotional by Clark G Gilbert and it felt like the perfect last devotional and that it was just for me. He served his mission in Japan AND he mentioned Captain Crunch cereal (I think our whole disctrict gagged when he did)! His wife also talked and she focused on Christ-like attributes. Something she said was that "what matters most is who you are and who you are becoming." Your mistakes from the past don't matter, what matters is how you choose to learn from them. The Lord blesses those who want to improve. I think a theme of life is that the Lod loves effort. The outcome doesn't matter so much but how and what you are working towards. 

Moroni 10:32 says
"Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him"

As you work to become like Christ and adopt his attributes, you will come to know Him and be perfected in Him and I know that to be true.
I love you all and guess what GOD DOES TOO! Have a good week 

<3 Sister Peterson

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