Monday, May 27, 2024

Week 12: Motsumoto, Nagano; Companion/Trainer: Sister Takahashi


Hello everyone!!

I had a fun, busy week and let me just say God is so good for giving us the joy EACH DAY to be able to lay in bed and sleeeeep. Everynight I thank Him because wow what a blessing!!

On Monday, my companion Takahashi しまい (⬅️shimai, it means sister)  and I went with the ward mission leaders to visit Matsui しまい. This woman had a hard experience with leaders in her ward and hasn't been to church in like 40 years. I'm gonna be honest I understood about 5% of the entire visit we had with her, but I know this. We invited her to church and she said YES. Which was really wild because she has said no to that invitation many many times in the past! She is coming June 2nd so please pray she has a good experience.

Friday we went with the ward mission leaders again to visit a couple. The husband is Protestant (I think) and the wife is interested in the church but, um actually I don't know. It was all explained to me in broken English so I really did not pick up on much. But they were wonderful, talented people! Anyways, we read them Mosiah 7:33 about faith in the Lord. Takahashi しまい talked for a bit so I really did not know where the convo went. She turned to me and asked if I had anything to add. Luckily this couple understands English so I bore my  testimony in English about God's perfect plan for us hoping it made sense. I felt the spirit very strong at that moment. Not knowing if my message landed, the conversation returned to Japanese and I was lost again. Afterwards my sweet companion said to me that she knew I did not know what the conversation consisted of, but what I had said fit perfectly. "That's the Gift of Tongues" she said! Which was so cool because I have never thought of it working like that. 

❤Japan Tips for ya!!❤
-The Japanese love their characters, always text with emojis!
-No matter what, finish every last piece of food, yes this sometimes means holding your breath and shoving it in, yes I have had to do this on many occasions and its only my 2nd week here. 💀
-When all else fails, give a little bow.
-There are so many chopstick manners, so to be safe, avoid using them at all costs. Just kidding, but seriously learn all the rules before you insult someone over moving your hot bowl with your chopsitcks 😔
❤That's all for today!:)❤

The food here is really yummy! I will say I do miss a good classic PB&J and like Cheezits and stuff, but the RAMEN YUMMMMM! I have tried so many yummy new things and still have so much more to try. It's very fun.

Oh and Takahashi しまい's bike helmet got stolen HA. I couldn't help but laugh at her, because who would steal an old white bike helmet, IN JAPAN?!?!?!? No one steals in Japan. But I did comfort her and told her that it's okay because at least someone is being safe now. 

My spiritual thought for ya will be Mosiah 7:33 (as previously mentioned)

"And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me"

The way I look at this scripture is that when we have faith, we can do anything God puts in our path. Faith brings power. We are meant to go through hard things because God has a plan for us. He knows they will strengthen us and help us become the people he knows we can be. HE SEES OUR FULL POTENTIAL, why wouldn't we trust in His plan? I ask each of you to look back on your life and recognize the things that have made you who you are, because God did that!


<3 Peterson しまい
❤😉😆😘😍❤💛💗💔🍙🍟🍞🍭🐰🐶🐼🐾🐒🐶🐺🐙🐳 (don't forget the emojis!)

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